Project kick-off meeting took place on 3rd November of 2014 and it is first project event that was held in order to introduce project staff into commitments and liabilities of all involved in project execution.
The meeting was held by Project Leader Božo Terzić on FESB, where total 9 persons attended: Božo Terzić, Ozren Bego, Dražen Bajić, Danije Jolevski, Goran Majić, Marin Despalatović, Aljoša Bošković, Nebojša Bošković i Goran Pavlov.
The presentation held by Project Leader covered all five project work packages:
1.) Interdisciplinary industrial research of power electronic, control algorithms and products and components of CHP/CHCP plants
2.) Dissemination of research results and the acquisition of intellectual property
3.) The experimental development of power electronic, control algorithms and products and components of CHP / CHCP plant and test environment
4.) Development of technical prototypes and system testing
5.) Adapting research and educational activities to Industry related topics
The presentation was followed by discussion about project execution, project results and outputs.
The meeting concluded in project staff assignments and formation of three development teams with team leader.